The second generation of x86 16-bit processors, Intel 80286, was released in 1982.
- High Performance Processor (Six Times faster than 8086)
- Large Address Space 16MB Physical and 1GB Virtual per Task
- Integrated Memory Management, Four Level Memory Protection and Support for Virtual Memory and Operating System
- Its Supports MSDOS, UNIX, XENIX, IRMX Operating Systems
- Optional Processor Extension 80287 High Pergormance 80-bit Maths Coprocessor
- Two 8086 upward Compatible Operating Mode
Protected Virtual Address Mode
- Range of Clock Rates are
10 MHz for 80285-10
8 MHz for 80285-8
6 MHz for 80285-6
- Complete System Developmewnt Suport for Assembler, PL/M, Pascal, FORTRAN, & System Utilities In Circuit Emulator